A visitor comes to a building
A description of visitor’s interaction with the tablet.
V. = visitor
S. = system = tablet
1. Visitor taps “Check-in” button at the tablet’s home screen
2. System checks if the verification step is enabled in the web app settings
3. If yes — System shows the step #4 (verification step)
If no — system considers each visitor as new (see description below)
4. Visitor finishes verification by email or by phone (see full description at the right column)
5. S. recognises if the visitor is returning or new, has invitation or doesn’t, is in the watch list or not. See description for every case below.
If the visitor is new
6. S. opens “What company are you visiting?” screen
7. V. selects the company
8. S. shows the checkmark near the company and enables the “Continue” button
9. V. clicks “Continue” button
10. S. opens “Who are you visiting?” screen
The search field is enabled by default, the keyboard is shown.
11. V. either enters the name in the search box or scrolls the list of hosts and selects their host.
12. S. shows the checkmark near the hos name and enables the “Continue” button
13. V. clicks “Continue” button
14. S. checks what fields are required for personal information (depends on the settings) and opens “Personal information” screen
S. prepopulates the email or phone used in the verification step
15. V. enters their info
16. S. validates email & phone and shows error if there is any
17. If there is no errors and all required fields are filled — S. enables “Continue” button
18. V. clicks “Continue” button
19. S. checks if the company admin has uploaded a legal doc in the web app settings.
— If yes, then the S. checks if the visitor has already accepted a company’s agreement latest version.
— If no, see step #23
20. If a visitor hasn’t accepted the legal doc before, S. opens the “AT&T Agreement” popup (“AT&T” should be replaced with the company name)
21. V. reads and accepts the legal doc, clicks the “I Have Read & Accept the Agreement” button
22. S. checks if the “Email Me a Copy of this Agreement” checkbox was checked:
— if yes, S. sends an email with the text of the agreement to visitor’s email,
— if no, see next step
23. S. checks if the photo is required
— if yes, see next step
— if no, see step #26
24. S. opens taking photo screen
25. V. takes a photo
26. S. opens “Almost done!” screen
27. V. checks info and a badge and clicks “Finish Check-in” button
28. S. checks if the printer is connected to the tablet
— if yes, S. shows the “Your badge is printing...” screen
— if no, S. sends an email with QR code and shows the screen with message: “We have sent you an email with QR Code. Please ...”
If the visitor is invited for today
6. S. opens “Please check your invitation” screen
7. V. checks the invitation info & clicks “Continue” button
— if there is any mistake, clicks “Edit” button, system opens “Personal information” screen, see steps ##14–18 above. After correcting mistakes, S. opens “Please check your invitation” screen again and shows notification “Changes saved”.
8. See steps ##19–28 above
If the visitor doesn’t have invitation, but has been here before
6. See steps ##6–14 for a new visitor
7. S. opens “Personal information” screen, the screen should have all data prepopulated
8. V. checks prsonal info, corrects it (if required)
9. See steps ##16–22 for a new visitor
10. S. checks if the photo is required
— if yes, see next step
— if no, see steps #26–28 for a new visitor
11. S. checks if the visitor has already provided their photo before
— if yes, S. opens “Almost done!” screen. Next steps are the same as for a new visitor, see steps ##26–28
— if no, S. opens taking photo screen. Next steps are the same as for a new visitor, see steps ##24–28
If the visitor is in watchlist
6. S. opens popup “You don't have access”
7. V. clicks “OK” button
8. S. opens home screen